Kenneth Dahl Knudsen



Kenneth is an award-winning Danish bassist, composer and educator known for his work in the jazz community in Aalborg and North Jutland and his latest story-driven album “Uummat”. Fischer has enjoyed Kenneth’s trust over several years working with him in many different projects including his latest album and Kenneth’s quartet/trio and many other sessions.


featuring Uri Gurvich on Saxophone and Edgars Cirulis on piano

long-format live streaming concert

It´s extremely rare that I find musicians that think music exactly as I do. Whenever I play with Matias Fischer I feel 100% free inside the music, because I KNOW that he´s got my back. We have spent so many hours in the rehearsal room talking about rhythm and groove, and on this album I wanted the rhythm section to be tight yet adventurous. That sums up what Matias is: tight, adventurous and always searching for new sounds and ways to approach the music.

- Kenneth Dahl Knudsen